
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to our very Robotics Club in Goa Engineering College. This Robotics Club begins a new stage in evolving as a whole club. The original thought was to create a platform for young members to improve their skills and knowledge in the field of Robotics.

Throughout the time, we always trying our best to improve and expand our knowledge in the field of robotics. Robotics Club now welcomes all interested members from every faculty and we are enthusiastic to share our knowledge with all of you. Apart from that, we will provide guidance and resources as well as keeping you all updated with news, competitions and events which we will be held throughout India. There’s also a forum for those enthusiastic members to discuss about their robots, online games and resources for their research and inventions. Once more, on behave of the Robotics Club committee, I cordially welcome you. Have fun and enjoy!


GEC Robotics Club


87noah said...

Hey gr8 blog.. Keep it up!..

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